In honor of Earth Day, Target stores are giving out free reusable Target bags to all customers that purchase anything from the store. These bags are full of small goods like dish soap, Annie's graham crackers, laundry detergent, Burts Bees moisturizer, and coupon books. Last year these stores did the same thing on Earth Day. They gave out millions of reusable bags that come with a 5 cent discount every time they're used. Target claims that over the past year, 80 million red reusable bags have been used in substitution for plastic bags, and they are estimating that these numbers will continue to grow throughout the next year.
Target took social responsibility by handing out these reusable bags for free. Along with being socially responsible, they've created a self image by implying to its customers and the rest of society that they care about being environmentally friendly.
Are there any other businesses or companies that you know if that are taking an extra step to be environmentally friendly on Earth Day? If so, which ones?
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